Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm Heading to Florida!

Oh yes, I'm heading to Florida, where my Mama awaits in all her forgetful glory. And the kids are. staying. home. One week and no kids, whatever will I do? (Really, whatever will I NOT do? Kids really put a damper on life sometimes, you know? I guess I should be thankful for them - they've surely kept me from crashing and burning a fiery death somehow. But at the same time, they've driven me one step closer to insanity, so I can't really say which is better.)

What should be interesting is that I'm taking the boyfriend, R, with me. To meet the family. For the first time. It's been well over a year, I'm thinking it is time. Because The Fam lives 12 hours away, I haven't seen them since May of last year and they didn't know I was seeing someone other than my husband at the time (and yes, the husband knew). After almost 19 years of seeing my family with the same man in tow (yes, that would be the wonderful father of my children), this is going to be a Weird Thing. I haven't taken a guy home to meet the family since I was 19 years old and it didn't really go over so well that time. I'm hoping that this time it works out a little better or I may be sending updates from a make-shift shelter on the beach. I wonder if there is wireless...

To top it off, not only is this the first time R gets to be scrutinized by my family, but it is the first time he has ever flown. AND we are flying back on Friday the 13th. I hope we have better success than the travelers in NY did this past Friday the 13th. And I wondered why the tickets were so cheap.

All of these firsts... it is bound to be an interesting trip. Wish me luck!

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