Monday, March 16, 2009

An Alligator Ate My Boyfriend

Okay, not really. But as R embarked on his very first game of golf with my father in what would prove to be quite the ball-losing expedition, and as I warned him not to reach into the ponds in search of them (something you just don't do in Florida if you like your limbs), I have to admit that for just a moment (I SWEAR it was a very, very brief, short-lived moment) I thought to myself, "Gee, wouldn't that make a nifty blog title?" But of course, I then very quickly realized that:

1. I would be without what is surely the only other man in the world brave enough to be around not only me, but my 3 very loved demon spawn as well,

2. I'd have to tell his mother that an alligator ate him while he was looking for his balls,

and 3. well, I have to admit I'm rather fond of him.

And while the second one sort of makes me snicker because, as I've been told repeatedly on occasion, I have a juvenile sense of humor, I do realize that it would be fundamentally wrong of me to sacrifice my love for the amusement of others.

I did mention that I'm rather fond of him, didn't I?

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