Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How Many Parents...

...have to argue with their child to get the chicken out of the car? I actually had that argument with my eldest. And yes, it was an argument. He had a counter-point to every point I issued. Now, because the hen has learned that she might find french-fries or other odd accoutrements in the car, she pecks my legs when I block her attempts at entry.

Yes, I battle a damn hen to get into my car and then pray to all the Gods that I don't run her over after slamming the door shut and throwing it in reverse.

Not to mention the arguments as to why the hen does not belong in my laundry cum animal room evacuating all over my washing machine when it is cold outside (have you ever seen chicken poop?). I don't feel like it is unreasonable to ask her to sleep in the CHICKEN COOP. Am I being unreasonable????

When we all get the bird flu, is it petty to say, "I told you so?"


  1. At first I thought you were referring to fried chicken...then I realized you meant a live, excrementing chicken! Woweeee! It's not every day that a chicken gets in your car...or is it???

  2. Sadly, it is. Or, at the very least, every other.

  3. Hehehehe, I don't know how to tell somebody I am sorry about their chicken problems, so I'll just say good luck!

  4. Thank you.

    And in an effort to ensure that everyone knows we aren't just talking chicken parts here, you can now see a real live picture of Girlie the Guard Hen. On my car, no less.

  5. Wow, that is a classic chicken alright! I would be careful if I were that chicken, because it looks like you have some major guns, there! You could probably headlock that chicken and make it a very bad day for her! Oh, and I am jealous as hell about your vacation!
